Wednesday, March 3, 2010

I'd been intending to see Alice in Wonderland on Saturday, but apparently it only premiered on Thursday and doesn't actually come out in cinemas (hah, watch me use the more British term. :p) until this Friday, so we did not go see it. Instead, I spent the day reading Great Expectations. Sort of. I did a lot of staring at Great Expectations, at least, but I've been reluctant to read it because I didn't much like what I did read in high school. Well, at least I don't have to have read it until next Monday, which is plenty of time.

We had theatre nights two days this week, Monday and Tuesday. Monday's performance was Dunsinane, which is a sequel to Shakespeare's Macbeth where Lady Macbeth survived, remained sane, and had a son. I really enjoyed the performance, especially coming as it did right after we came back from Scotland, since it was so much about Scotland. I feel like we've been inundated with Scotland lately, but I don't mind because it's really so interesting.

Last night we saw The Caretaker, which I...did not particularly enjoy. I thought it was boring and the characters unengaging, and I'm not sure what the point was, apart from that people are crazy and self-centered. It'll be interesting to hear what the rest of my theatre class thinks, though, since everyone else I've talked to seems to have enjoyed it.

Next week we have another two shows, London's Assurance and an opera of A Midsummer Night's Dream. I've seen Midsummer several times, but I've always enjoyed it, and I'm looking forward to an opera version of it, especially since I've never seen an opera before.

There are two particular extra-curricular shows I want to see soon, though, and those are Wicked and Billy Elliot. I've also been seeing posters for Star Wars In Concert, at the O2 arena, which just sounds omg so awesome. That one, however, is April 3rd and 4th only, which is the weekend ending our spring break, so I'd have to cut short traveling a bit and come back to London sooner in order to see that. I think I will, though. Star Wars in Concert! How awesome is that?

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